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Resource Links

Australian resources links:

MND Australia

MND Australia is the national voice for people living with MND. Together with our members, the State MND Associations, and our research arm, MND Research Australia, we strive to improve the lives of everyone impacted by MND through investing in research, driving advocacy and advancing high-quality care

 Visit Website 

MND Care resources

Information and resources for health professionals and disability and aged care providers who support and care for people living with motor neurone disease. 

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MND Victoria

MND Victoria provides information, support and education about motor neurone disease for people living with motor neurone disease, their families, friends and carers. MND Victoria exists to provide and promote the best possible care and support for people living with MND.

Visit Website 

MND New South Wales

MND NSW provides information, support and education for people living with motor neurone disease, their families, friends and carers in NSW, ACT and NT. They also provide information and education about motor neurone disease for health, community and residential care professionals.

Visit Website  

MND Queensland

The Motor Neurone Disease Association Queensland (MNDAQ) is committed to supporting and maintaining the quality of life for all people living with MND within Queensland.

Visit Website 

MND South Australia

MND South Australia provides information, support and education about motor neurone disease for people living with motor neurone disease, their families, friends and carers.

Visit Website 

MND Western Australia

MND Western Australia exists to support people living with Motor Neurone Disease and their families. 

Visit Website 

Australian MND DNA Bank

The Australian Motor Neuron Disease DNA Bank has been set up to look for genetic susceptibility to all forms of Motor Neuron Disease.  The aim of this Bank is to provide a resource for researchers undertaking studies into the causes of MND.  The Bank is supervised by A/Prof Roger Pamphlett in the Faculty of Medicine at The University of Sydney.

Visit Website 

Palliative Care Tasmania

 Palliative Care Tasmania (PCT) is Tasmania’s peak body for palliative care and one of eight member organisations of Palliative Care Australia. 

Visit Website 

International resources links:

MND UK association

The MND Association focuses on improving access to care, research and campaigning for those people living with or affected by MND in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Visit Website 

MND New Zealand

MND New Zealand supports people living with motor neurone disease, their carers, families and whanau to enable them to have the best quality of life possible.

Visit Website 

International Alliance of ALS/MND Associations

 The Alliance is a global network of ALS/MND associations informed by PALS/CALS, that builds capability for its members and connects to external stakeholders. We help members thrive by adding value to existing and future associations through curation and creation of information and by acting as a global gateway through which Alliance Members, PALS and CALS, internal, and external stakeholders connect. 

Visit Website 

Other useful resources:

ABC MND Fact File

Learn more about MND with the ABC Health & Wellbeing fact file.

Visit Website 

The Wheelie Good Guide

Learn more about MND with the Wheelie Good Guide to MND.

Visit Website 

If you would like to discuss or register for MND Tasmania's Support Services, please contact us by calling 1800 806 632 or emailing info@mndatas.asn.au.
